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BSRF Constitution...
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The British Show Racer Society
Rules approved Saturday 15 January 1977
As amended 29 November 1981
  1. That this organisation shall be called the 'British Show Racer Federation' with headquarters at the address of the Secretary. The lofts of all affiliated members to be situated within the British Isles.
  2. Aims and Objects
    • To promote the breeding, keeping and showing of racing pigeons in the British Isles
    • To represent all show racer societies and to liaise with show organisers with a view to establishing and improving the co-ordination and recognition of shows as classic shows
    • To maintain association with the sport of pigeon racing
  3. Officers shall consist of a President, Vice- Presidents (non-voting members), Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer and Auditors.
  4. Annual General Meeting shall be held annually. The Secretary shall notify the secretary of each affiliated society of the meeting at least six weeks beforehand.
  5. Membership shall be open to all properly show racer societies in Great Britain by affiliation and on payment of an initial joining fee of �5 for the first year ending 31 December. Membership thereafter shall be at the rate of �3 per year payable on the 1 January each year. Applications must be in writing.
  6. Resignations - Affiliated societies wishing to resign must do so in writing before the AGM
  7. Special Meetings of which ten days notice must be given to all member societies in writing may be convened at a suitable time and place, on a requisition signed by at least a half of the member societies.
  8. Dissolution will only be done when in accordance with the standard rules of the R P R A.
  9. Banking Account will be held and maintained. Current accounts, cheque books, etc will be available for inspection at every meeting.
  10. All other matters will be dealt with in accordance with R P R A Rules. Each affiliated society should be affiliated with its own appropriate pigeon union of association as governed by the rules applying.
  11. At all meeting including the AGM every member of every member society will be entitled to attend and to speak. However, voting on any matter will be by two nominated members per society plus the chairman's casting vote.
  12. Postal Votes - For business on the agenda, each society may place or have recorded its vote(s) by post.

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