I mentioned in the last report that I was awaiting clarification form DEFRA on the licence conditions post 31st July. The licence has stated that it will be revoked on Monday 31st July 2006.
DEFRA has duly responded with the news as I understood it. They currently do not know enough about the likely risks of disease moving towards Britain in the autumn migration period but on the basis of ornithological advice, those risks could begin to escalate from August.
It is therefore intended to take a precautionary approach from 1st August and revert to a general licence which permits domestic pigeon racing but prohibits racing from outside of the British Isles.
A final decision will be taken nearer the time in case of any risk changes. However, we should work on the assumption that there will be no races from outside of the British Isles after 31st July (including those in September). Domestic races can continue for the time being but may also be curtailed if the disease situation deteriorates.
The situation will be constantly under review in the light of what happens in the autumn and I will of course keep in close contact with DEFRA to ensure that we have some continuity from the old bird into the young bird season.
Peter Bryant
General Manager