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Woodburn RPC hold their Presentation night in Style...
Author: Woodburn RPCTitle: Woodburn RPC hold their Presentation night in Style
Date: 2005-03-14 15:55:08Uploaded by: webmaster
On the evening of Friday 11th February, 90 members, guests and friends gathered at the Masonic Lodge, Dalkeith for the annual presentation of prizes of Woodburn Racing Pigeon Club. Woodburn RPC is a member of the Pentland Hills Federation with eight member lofts. The members have enjoyed a superb season with everyone taking pleasure from this wonderful pastime. The club members welcomed on board new members Mr & Mrs Matty Greig and son, Matthew. The guests of honour were Bert Wallace and his lovely wife Janet from Inveresk. Bert is a well-respected pigeon man within Midlothian pigeon circles. He is very successful with the birds having won, amongst many other prizes, four Midlothian Federation “Gold Cups”. This is the top award amongst Midlothian Federation Members.

Woodburn RPC Top Prize Winner D&J Allen

After a very substantial buffet it was time to present the prizes. First up to receive his awards was James Moyes. James has invested in some new stock this winter from his recent journey to the Blackpool Show and altered all his pigeon lofts. So members beware The Moyes is back. Next to the table was Jack Levitt. Jack only raced with the club for one year and the members are sorry to see him return to Poltonhall club where he intends to lend a hand with his son’s loft of pigeons. Tom Calder was then invited up to receive his awards. Tom has decided to take a break from the sport for a while but has continued to keep in touch with the members. Next up is our team of Philadelphia lawyers, Brown, Pretsell and Smith. The “big wigs” enjoyed an average season by their standards and are better judged on their previous seasons work. John Smith accepted their prizes from Bert on the partnerships behalf. The Whitecraig Wizzard, Graeme Stewart was then on his feet with a dandy stroll across the floor to receive his awards followed next by club secretary Davy Brown. Davy was representing the Brown & Black partnership and collected the Old Bird Average and 37 diplomas for their season’s efforts. Top prize-winner runner-up was none other than Peter Forbes and Son. Forbsie had a very good season especially with his young birds and succeeded in winning four races this year. Peter has recently been in hospital to have his kneecap’s replaced. This operation was the result of spending many years on his knees praying for a winner on a Saturday afternoon. We all wish him a speedy recovery. The members have a tip for Peter use a prayer mat next time or get better doos! Top prize winner’s was the very successful loft of David and Jack Allen. David is the father and President of the club and Jack is his five years old son. They are continuing in the family tradition with the pigeons as David’s dad Jim was a very good dooman too. The family business is building supplies and since Davy has been able to spend a bit more time with the birds, ably assisted by his wife Anne and several loft managers. He has successfully built a team of pigeons that not only wins in the club, 9 first prizes this year, but also topping the Federation, 2 first prizes this year. The D&J Allen partnership won, Combined Ave, Young Bird Ave, 9 other trophies and 36 diplomas. Congratulations form all the members. Indeed the total haul of the awards was that great that young Jack proceeded to the top table to collect their awards with a wheelbarrow.

Jack Allen & Wheelbarrow!

The evening continued into the early hours of Saturday morning with music and dancing to a very good disco. The members would like to thank the caterers for a wonderful buffet, Bert and Janet Wallace for their support, the committee of the Masonic lodge for the facilities, the disco for ensuring that everyone enjoyed the music on offer and finally the families and friends that attended to lend their support to this annual event.

Forwarded from Woodburn RPC - see their mini-site on Pigeonbasics.com for more info.

Coo time for a brew!...Where next?
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