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On being a Good Fancier - (Chapter 12)...
Author: Guy BarrettTitle: On being a Good Fancier - (Chapter 12)
Date: 2002-12-29 17:48:26Uploaded by: webmaster
It is probably as true of pigeon racing as of any other sport that, once one has taken up the hobby, one never leaves it. The saying, ‘once a fancier - always a fancier’ is not without foundation. It is also fair to say that those fanciers who put most into it, receive the most satisfaction from the sport, and the most pleasure in return, for it is generally managed and run by the fanciers themselves, who put in hundreds of hours of voluntary work. Although club secretaries are paid an honorarium, the money they do receive is in no way comparable to the amount of work they do.

Therefore the new fancier should be prepared to help with the general running of his club in every way he can. He should be willing to lend a hand at marking and clock-setting, in fact for instance, he thinks that the result of a race has been wrongly calculated, and that he has been given too low a position on the race-sheet, he should approach the secretary quietly with his problem. This gentleman will then be only too pleased to investigate the matter, and you can rest assured that he will not have made an error on purpose.

No fancier should be afraid of voicing his opinion at club and Federation meetings, but once a resolution has been passed by the majority of the members, he should cheerfully accept that decision. There are many fanciers who rarely succeed in winning a race. These men, nevertheless, are the backbone of the fancy. They are often cheerful and diligent workers for the sport in general and for their own club in particular. These fanciers continue to fly pigeons throughout their lives not for the money, which they might one day win, but for the love of their birds, the thrill of seeing them return from a race, and for the comradeship and companionship of their fellow members.

Used with permisson. © RPRA.

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