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Ringing (Banding) Young Birds - Tips!...
Author: Bob RowlandTitle: Ringing (Banding) Young Birds - Tips!
Date: 2006-03-13 18:12:28Uploaded by: webmaster
[In reply to a question about late ringing (banding) of young birds.]

I use vaseline on the inside of the band and I also smear the Vaseline onto the foot of the baby. This allows for the band to slide easily but it becomes slippery so I use a handkerchief or light weight towel to hold the foot and also the band.

Next I begin putting the band on until it gets very snug. Now the battle begins so I continue pulling the band up the foot by using my finger nails on the band while I pull the toes away from the band. This can take several minutes if it is real tight but I have yet to find a baby that I could not get the band on. I am sure that the time will come but I suppose I have been lucky up til now to catch them well before they are full grown.

Another little trick I have found to assist the banding is to remove the water from the loft and the next morning before you replace the water, try banding at this time. A baby that is slightly dehydrated is easier to band than one with fat toes that are properly hydrated.

To prevent this from being a common problem of missing the banding age, I establish 2 days per week to check all nests for banding and this eliminates the oversight from our part and the worst we can get is a young one that should have been banded a couple days before. That's my system and it has worked well for me!

Bob Rowland
SpringHill, FL

Coo time for a brew!...Where next?
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