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Could Hawks End Pigeon Racing?...
Author: The FIFERTitle: Could Hawks End Pigeon Racing?
Date: 2005-09-23 21:02:08Uploaded by: thefifer
If Hawks are allowed to continue their freedom and their numbers get to record levels,"is there a future in pigeon racing"?

Sparrowhawks and Peregrines who feed most of the time on pigeons are reaching a record high in numbers, with it being estimated that over 100,000 racing birds are killed in Scotland each year.

There are reported to be over 4,000 peregrine and 100,000 Sparrowhawks in the UK, with each taking two or three birds daily.

And this is one of the reasons the SHU and the RPRA are losing large numbers of membership each year.

The SHU Save our Sport Raptors Group, have been hard at work for many years trying to get a change in the law so as to reduce the numbers of these Birds of Prey, and give the Pigeon Fanciers and birds the freedom they deserve.

This is a problem which is getting bigger each year, and if continues will see a big drop in the number of racing pigeon fanciers in the years to come.

It is a sickening sight when Fanciers have to watch birds being taken and eaten in their own back gardens.

Racing pigeons has been a sport for many many years and racing pigeons were used in both world wars and saved many a life. They deserve better protection from these Birds of Prey.

Coo time for a brew!...Where next?
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