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The First Toss...
Author: Bob RowlandTitle: The First Toss
Date: 2005-06-15 14:14:34Uploaded by: webmaster
In the cold of winter or the heat of summer, many stories are told! How many of them are true is any one's guess.

For myself, I START THE PIGEONS AT JUST OVER 1 MILE! I do this as I rarely lose pigeons around the loft. If your birds are traveling and going long distances prior to starting of training, then you can step them out faster but if they have not been routing and disappearing for a long time, then it is safest to begin short and work them out with caution.

Where I race is na really unique situation as there are literally thousands of birds in our subdivision so if the birds are allowed out with the others, they may get lost or trap in by someone else. I breed my pigeons later and therefore I do not wish to exercise them when everyone else does as mine are younger and could get confused. By letting mine out in the late afternoon, I stop them from traveling too far from home. However, after I complete the power moult, then I will exercise in the morning and then train mid day. Again I do not go as far as others as I am training in the highest temperatures and highest UV Rays. Then if I attempted to train a long distance and if the birds make any mistakes, they would have more difficulty getting home.

Always take suggestions from some with a grain of salt and if you are in doubt, then slow down and work them out easy. Being the first one to get their birds out does not mean anything!! No trophies for being the first one at the 100 mile training station.

In conclusion, last year I only trained 32 miles as my longest toss and we won the first midweek race (592 birds) being 1, 2, 3, 4, and had a few other good positions in the next few weeks. I just ask the question as to what all their long tosses did for them???

There are many roads to Rome so think about what you are doing and then have some feelings about what you are doing. I think you will like the results.

Bob Rowland
Spring Hill, Florida USA

Coo time for a brew!...Where next?
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