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Antibiotics - Man made v's Natural and their frequent use...
Author: Bob RowlandTitle: Antibiotics - Man made v's Natural and their frequent use
Date: 2003-11-04 17:08:08Uploaded by: webmaster
Phillip Stireman wrote:
The following is a rhetorical question. It's intended to provoke thought.

Most of us understand why it's a bad idea to treat with antibiotics for the wrong duration of time or with the wrong dosage. Many flyers also frown on the idea of treating the whole flock, let alone those who think it's a bad idea to treat with antibiotics at all.

I think most of us would agree it would be bad practice to treat all of our birds with a low dosage of antibiotics on a regular, or maybe a sporadic basis, right? Over time the bacteria becomes resistant, or mutates into a form that's more difficult, if not nearly impossible to kill.

The following may seem ridiculous, or absurd, but please think about this. Ok, then why do some people boast that some natural additives or treatments have antibiotic properties? Garlic, for example supposedly contains natural antibiotics. So there you go, a source of weak antibiotics, given to the whole flock on a regular, or maybe sporadic basis. That's exactly what we agreed was a bad thing to do from the previous paragraph.

I understand that antibiotics differ, however, what's the difference between putting garlic in the water or on the food every other day, or putting a weak solution of Aureomycin, for example, in the water just as often? If one's answer is that the amount of antibiotics in garlic are so minute... Stop! That answer is not good enough. In fact, that would make it easier for the bacteria to become resistant, but if it doesn't, then why not add a very weak solution of Aureomycin to the water every other day?

I don't think it's fair to use the argument that. "It's all natural." Yeah, well so is arsenic, and cyanide.

Since someone is going to feel compelled to tell me why antibiotics, or other medications are bad, I must conclude by saying I don't like the idea of treating with antibiotics except as a last resort.

Bob Rowland:

Your question as to such things as garlic as a natural antibiotic is interesting but you have given some examples of this being a minute dose! Who says that it is underdosing or a weak dose?? This could be totally dependent on how powerful this stuff is that you give. We have some red garlic from China that if you just took a little piece, and stuck it in your mouth, it probably will cause a blister. There is garlic and then there is garlic. It all depends on how much of what is in the various types. All garlic is not the same!

All bacteria just like all living things has dna and if there are things that alter this dna so it can either not reproduce or live at all, then it is a very effective antibiotic, regardless if it is natural or man made.

Where do we get the idea that something has to be given by the shovelful to make it effective?? I take a very little pill every day for my thyroid and it is only .12 mg and yet it is very effective and keeps that portion of my system on track. I also take only 2 mg of prednizone and this looks so very small as it is not by the tablespoon size and yet it has created all sorts of problems from it's use.

How did anything survive for millions of years before we came up with these new man made antibiotics?? Well, the answer is in such things as your garlic, or ginseng for example being made from a root substance and there are thousands more just like these.

If you need to back up a dump truck to think you have an effective amount of antibiotics to treat something, then there are not enough chemicals on this planet to treat all the problems that exist. However, nature never changes and has provided a source of protection for the problems that will come about. The laws of nature have not changed but our understanding of some of what is happening is getting better and I personally believe they will find a cure for cancer or aides or any other problem somewhere in this earth as all is provided for and we just need to see what can work on what.

I am not against man-made antibiotics if there is no other natural cure that has shown to be effective and as I have mentioned before, my daily regiment is to take several man-made chemicals but along with those I also take several natural medicinal plant products and all that see me tell me I am looking much better. Naturally I agree but now if only I could get my wife to see it the same way. She just laughs at me but perhaps that isn't so bad as it is always said that we need to have a good laugh every day and I guess I am that for my wife.

Hope this helps someone:
Bob Rowland
SpringHill, FLorida

Further by Bob Rowland:

Thanks Susanne for the additional help. If more would begin working to improve the immune system response they would find their pigeons to be much healthier and in the long run, needing less help to stay healthy.

Thanks again,
Bob Rowland

Susanne Russo wrote:
'I understand that antibiotics differ, however, what's the difference between putting garlic in the water or on the food every other day, or putting a weak solution of Aureomycin, for example, in the water just as often? If one's answer is that the amount of antibiotics in garlic are so minute... Stop! That answer is not good enough.'

First off, it is the volatile oils (alliin, alliinase, and allicin) that are contributing factors to the antiseptic and antibiotic properties of garlic. These volatile oils are*1* of several 'constituents' contained in garlic. Garlic also contains Vitamins A, B, C and E, and selenium.

On the otherhand most antibiotics are derived either synthetically, or a singular extract.

The difference between using natural substances such as garlic versus an antibiotic is that an antibiotic is designed to target a specific disease or group of bacteria. Whereas with garlic not only do you have a substance that contains antibiotics properties...which in reality are more targeted toward *inhibiting* bacterial growth,...the other consituents (vitamins) act synergeticly (sp) as a whole to protect the liver, stimulate immunity, and regulate several other body functions.

When you have a substance that acts to inhibit rather than destroy there is also less likelihood of resistant or mutant pathogens developing from repeated use.

Coo time for a brew!...Where next?
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