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Small loft, huge results ! - Will & Falco Ebben...
Author: Andrew HitchcockTitle: Small loft, huge results ! - Will & Falco Ebben
Date: 2004-10-07 22:57:37Uploaded by: andrew

Allready this year 1 Young Bird Race 1st Federation 3,000 Birds +

Also winning Ace One Day Long Distance Bird In Amalgination.

A Pigeon fancier with only a hand full of birds who can compete against the big fanciers; only very rarely they can be found. Yet they do exist. Will and his nephew Falco Ebben from the Dutch village Beneden-Leeuwen have a maximum of ten pairs of racers at their disposal. About twenty youngsters complete this small colony. Despite these minimal numbers this partnership manages to list incredeble performances.

The whole season is focussed on racing one day long distance (500-700 km) and the youngbird season. With a small number of birds choices have to be made...

Quality; no quantity!

A requirement that Will and Falco Ebben always considered as very important is top quality; with only a handful of birds at their disposal the only way to top results. Keeping that thought in mind the two started their quest for good birds.

Ad Schaerlaeckens
In 1998 a first step to top quality was made in the purchase of five pairs of eggs at probably Dutch best pigeon fancier;  Ad Schaerlaeckens from Baarle-Nassau. An acquisition that did not ask for much patience to get good results. In 1999 already the first appealing performances were listed with the newcomers, when on the 7th of August on the PS Maxence race 1st and 2nd against 2,185 birds was won with two nest sisters. Both these hens were bred from the Schaerlaeckens ‘egg’ NL98-2331507, a granddaughter to ‘Creilman’ who also became dam to winners of a/o 1st PS Maxence 255 birds – 1st St. Ghislain Hornu 281 birds – 1st Houdeng 199 birds – 1st PS Maxence 111 birds - etc.
At Ad Schaerlaeckens the ‘Creilman’ was already a legend by life, as a breeder as well as a racer. In his active racing career he won 1st prizes against 4,214 birds, 3,004 birds and 1,157 birds. He is a direct son to the super pair ‘Mattens’ x ‘Sissi’.
But with that the Schaerlaeckens successes at Ebben did not come to an end yet! Especially NL98-2331505, a granddaughter to ‘Orleansdoffertje’ (brother ‘Creilman’) of Ad Schaerlaeckens had an incredible impact on the strain. She produced a/o the ‘Super 27’, an incredible crack!!! She won a/o: 1st Houdeng 3,279 birds, 1st St. Ghislain Hornu 877 birds, 1st La Ferte Bernard 486 birds, 1st Houdeng 392 birds, 1st St. Ghislain Hornu 264 birds, 1st La Ferte Bernard 152 birds, 2nd National NPO La Ferte Bernard 13,736 birds, 2nd La Ferte Bernard 2,930 birds, 2nd St. Ghislain Hornu 2,234 birds, 2nd La Ferte Bernard 1,094 birds, 3rd St. Ghislain Hornu 2,680 birds, etc. As youngster she became acebird and her nestbrother (NL01-1505826) made a noise in the world winning 1st Aerschot 352 birds and 1st Niergnies 286 birds. Besides, the 826 is sire to ‘Cynthia’ (NL02-1282791), that performed superbly as a young hen and became best acebird in Federation (260 members) and 3rd acebird in Amalgamation (4,500 members)!
Another Schaerlaeckens-cockbird turned out to become a true super breeder, the NL98-2331509. His daughter ‘De Bourgesduivin’ (NL01-1507092, owner Ton Ebben) became acebird on one day long distance and won top prizes like: 1st Bourges 757 birds, 1st Bourges 276 birds, 1st Orleans 209 birds, 1st Bourges 100 birds, 1st Vierzon 98 birds and 1st Orleans 59 birds. Absolute top!
But probably the best breeder Will and Falco Ebben purchased through Ad Schaerlaeckens is ‘Ko’ (NL98-2331508). He too is a grandson to ‘Creilman’ and he is sire to many toppers. ‘Good Yearling’ for example is a direct son to him and ‘Cynthia’ is a granddaughter.
The top birds as mentioned above are the result of the 1998 purchase at Schaerlaeckens. But the years after several direct Schaerlaeckens-birds moved to Ebben, that only strengthened their colony just that bit extra. Like for instance a son to ‘Ace Four’ (NL96-5660145), 1st acebird in Middle-Brabant amalgamation in 1996. This great topper was purchased in 2002 and in 2003 he already produced some very talented descendants. For the coming years again Falco and Will ordered eggs at the grandmaster from Baarle-Nassau.

Arie van Beek
Being a pigeon photographer and reporter for Holland’s biggest pigeon magazine Neerlands Postduiven Orgaan, Falco made quite a few useful contacts in pigeon sport. Besides, as no other he found out where to get the best birds available. Such a masterly loft with inimitable birds was that of Arie van Beek, better known as the ‘De Klak van IJzendoorn’, where Falco paid his first visit in 1999. Falco and Arie appeared really to get along very well and therefore it did not take long before the first Klak birds moved to the breeding lofts of the Ebbens.
And not just any birds, but direct youngsters from illustrious names such as: ‘Der Bomber’ (1st best middle distance bird and 1st best overall bird in Amalgamation in 2001) - ‘Blauwe Jos’ (1st long distance – one day – acebird in Amalgamation in 2001) - ‘Kras 621’ (1st long distance – one day – acebird in Amalgamation in 2002) - ‘Kras 334’ (Best young bird in Federation 1998). A sister to the ‘Super 78’, therefore a daughter to Van Beek’s number 1 breeding pair, appeared to become a miracle in breeding for Ebben, especially when paired to the Schaerlaeckens-cockbird ‘Ko’.
In 2004 some direct youngsters were purchased of full brothers to the legendary ‘Blauwe 613’, the best bird Jos de Klak ever owned.

The Old 45
So at Will and Falco Ebben the birds of Schaerlaeckens and Van Beek dominate the colony. In the strain however the ‘Old 45’ (NL94-2644445) deserves an honourable mention. This Verbart bird of origin, from the lines of the legendary ‘46’, guaranteed offspring with amongst them a whole regime of top racer (when crossed to birds of Schaerlaeckens and Van Beek).

The battle for glory
In their quest for superior birds the Ebbens most certainly did not move in too hurried a manner. Only the very best was good enough for them to take place in their only small accommodation; a criterion that already bared its fruits sensationally. And the only way to intervene in the battle with all concurrence, racing only 8 pairs of racers . . . a battle that brings out the best in the Ebbens and that results in outstanding performances!



1st Young birds not-nominated combine (810 members).
2nd Young birds not-nominated amalgation (4.500 members, the biggest of The Netherlands!).
5th Young birds nominated federation (260 members).
8th One day long distance not-nominated CC (100 members).


1st One day long distance not-nominated CC.
1st Acebird young birds federation (NL02-1282791).
1st Young birds nominated federation.
2nd Nat. NPO La Ferte Bernard (539 km) against 13.736 pigeons (NL01-1505827).
2nd Acebird young birds combine (NL02-1282791).
2nd One day long distance nominated CC.
2nd Young birds nominated combine.
3rd Acebird youngsters amalgation.
3rd One day long distance not-nominated federation.
3rd Acebird one day long distance CC.
4th Young birds not-nominated federation.
6th One day long distance nominated federation.
6th Acebird one day long distance federation.


3rd One day long distance nominated federation
3rd Young birds nominated federation.
3rd Acebird Youngsters CC (NL03-2083521).
3rd One day long distance nominated CC.
3rd One day long distance not-nominated CC.
4th Middle long distance not-nominated CC.
7th One day long distance nominated federation.
7th Middle long distance nominated CC.
8th Short distance not-nominated CC.
10th Acebird Middle long distance CC (NL02-1282800).
10th Short distance not nominated federation.

Coo time for a brew!...Where next?
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